How will the year of the Dog affect your health?

The year of the Yang Earth Dog started on Feb 16, 2018, so what might this mean for you and your health this year?

Yin and Yang, and the 5 Phases play key roles in Chinese Medicine. Yin is often described as the shadow side of the mountain and is a cooling, calming, moistening energy. Yang is described as the sunny side of the mountain and is a warming, active, drying energy. The 5 phases (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood) have many correspondences within the body and the environment. These phases all work together to nourish one another or keep each other in check.

From this perspective the Dog corresponds with the Earth energy and the year 2018 also radiates the energy of Earth. This double earth energy will make this year feel very grounded, harmonious and stable. This will be a pleasant relief after last year’s conflicting metal and fire energy. Being a yang year, however, will ensure the year is not too dull.

Dog year: Symbolically the Dog represents loyalty, faithfulness and protection. You’ll notice that those who have dogs in their lives often sing the praises of the companionship and unconditional love that these animals offer. As dogs are historically pack animals you may find more opportunities arise for gatherings of family and friends. This may lead to the strengthening of those bonds and cultivating more meaningful relationships over the year, helping you feel safe and supported. You may feel a greater sense of community as people gather together to accomplish what can’t be done alone.

Inertia: The double earth energy of this year is represented by the mountain which in Feng Shui can be either seen as a symbol of protection when it lies behind or one of obstacles when it lies ahead. The main obstacle you may encounter this year is … read more 

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