Great tips on how to eat for the seasons and your body type

In Chinese medicine everything we do is about creating a balance between yin and yang.

  • Yin is seen as the shady part of the mountain, so it is cooling, moistening, and calming.
  • Yang is seen as the sunny side of the mountain, so it is warming, drying, and active.

We can associate yin and yang with each season.

  • Winter is yin as the weather is cold and we tend to spend more time indoors (yin place) doing quiet (yin) things. To keep balance we need to eat more yang (warming) foods. This includes food that have a warm temperature (cooked foods using long slow cooking styles) and foods that are inherently warming in nature such as adding ginger and cinnamon to winter meals.
  • Spring is more yang, warm and active, compared to winter but more yin, cool, compared to summer. This is when we start to use shorter and lighter cooking styles and reduce the warming spices as the weather warms up.
  • Summer Read on

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