How to Alkalize for Great Health – Part II

Part I of this topic was written many years ago and recently reposted because of the interest in this topic by Marie Claire Australia.

I thought I would take the opportunity of the coming festive season indulgences to expand upon the idea of how you could start the new year feeling fantastic.   The bottom line is that it  is important for your body to be in an alkaline state. In Chinese medicine we say there are only two places from which you can get energy  “the food that you eat and the air that you breathe”. When your body is alkaline you are better able to absorb nutrients from the food you eat and your blood is more highly oxygenated so you will have boundless energy, your immune system will be stronger and you will feel happier within yourself.

Christmas tends to be a time when we over indulge in party food. Eating like this affects the pH of your body because this food tends to be rather  acidic, it is usually highly processed and filled with chemicals, flavours and preservatives as well as being full of sugar or artificial sweeteners… read more

SKIN HEALTH – inner and outer beauty

Please see my new blog site for more exciting posts

Skin problems reflect a deeper underlying imbalance within your body as well as problems at the surface of your body.

According to Chinese medicine, when a chronic condition has settled in your skin, it is an indication that your general health has been compromised for quite some time so be patient as you work to rebalance your body. Treating your whole body, rather than just your skin, is the key to eliminating the problem and not just covering it up. The amount of time it takes for skin conditions to resolve varies depending on the duration and severity of your condition. Some conditions will clear rapidly, but others may take longer.  If you have had a problem for a number of years it could take a few months to resolve and you need to be working it from both the inside (acupuncture, herbs and supplements, diet, and stress relief) and the outside (lotions and potions).

The root causes of skin conditions are often complex, and involve a combination of internal imbalances and external environmental factors. Acne is often seen as a reaction to hormones, bacteria, and oils in the skin and eczema as a chronic allergic reaction. Where problems arise on your body can indicate which organs are out of balance either by following the energy lines of the body or by mapping the five element of Chinese medicine onto your face. Internal imbalances include a weak immune system, digestive disorders and poor diet, unbalanced lifestyle, stress and genetic constitutional issues. External environmental factors are often weather related and tend to exacerbate the internal imbalances.

Chinese medicine sees your skin as a living dynamic organ that is moistened, cooled and nourished by your blood.   Thus dryness, scaling and itching can be due to a lack of nourishment by the blood or problems with circulation and is often worse in dry autumn or winter weather.  Heat is characterized by redness, burning or heat sensation that is often worse for alcohol, anger or stress, hot and spicy food, and hot weather. Damp is characterized by oozing or weeping conditions and feelings of heaviness within the body and is often worsened by eating rich, oily or dairy foods. Once the dampness and heat are cleared from your system and the nourishment of your blood enhanced then your skin will also clear.

The 5 elements of Chinese medicine are metal, water, wood, fire and earth. Each element corresponds with a colour, an area of your face, a season, a sense organ, a body organ, a flavor, an environmental factor, an emotion and much more.

The Metal element corresponds with the Lungs and Large Intestines and in addition the Lungs are said to rule the skin. Therefore three of your main organs of elimination are reflected in the health of the metal element. Up to 70% of your body’s waste products are eliminated via your lungs so breathing deeply is as important for detoxing as it is for relaxing. Sweating helps eliminate toxins through skin and dry skin brushing invigorates the skin to remove old layers of skin and toxins in dead skin cells and enhance circulation. Your bowels of course are also an important organ of elimination and if there are problems such as constipation or diarrhea your skin will be the first area to take over detoxing. The health of your lungs can be determined by looking at your cheeks and the health of your intestines by looking at your lips.

You also eliminate and neutralize toxins through your Liver, your Kidneys and your Lymphatic system which is your own personal garbage removal system.

The Liver is part of the wood element and the health of your liver can be determined from the area between your eyebrows. Your forehead also shows what is happing within your nervous system.

The Kidneys are part of the water element which can be diagnosed in the area below your eyes. Do you have bags or dark rings under you eyes? This could be indicative of adrenal fatigue.

Your heart is the primary organ of the Fire element and the health of your circulatory system can be seen in the tip of your nose. Exercise and massage enhances circulation and metabolism to help carry toxins and wastes from your tissues to your organs of elimination as well as increasing oxygen and nutrients to your cells.

The Earth element is all about your digestion and your lips and chin reflects the health of your digestive system. When you eat and drink are you nourishing your body or challenging it with toxins? Staying well hydrated and alkalising are wonderful ways to nourish your body.

Chinese medicine treatments offer natural solutions to both the root cause and the symptoms of skin conditions. It works on strengthening your immune system in order to decrease your sensitivity to environmental stimuli; addressing internal imbalances that are contributing to your condition; releasing toxins from your body to eliminate the itchy, red rash; and nourishing your blood, which then helps nourish and repair your damaged skin.  In treating the underlying imbalance your skin symptoms will resolve and no further complications should arise. Your skin condition may initially worsen as your body detoxes but long-term results are favourable.


Spring time detox

Please see my new blog site for more exciting posts

Spring and Autumn, the transitional seasons, are a great time for detoxifying and cleansing your body of the harmful impurities that have collected in your organs and tissues over the past months or years. Seasonal cleansing offers an important chance to decide what you want to let go of in pursuit of greater health and wellbeing.

In Chinese Medicine, spring is related to the Wood element and to the Liver and Gall bladder organs. The primary focus of the spring cleanse then is the Liver as it is the organ which does the most work during a detox. It takes pollutants out of the bloodstream and makes them safe for excretion.

As you detox, however, you also need to make sure that the rest of your body is well supported as toxins are excreted by your sweat, breath, urine, and bowels, as well as with emotional, psychological and spiritual release.

The goal of a spring cleanse is to clear away any stagnation left over from winter, lighten up your system, and make yourself more vibrant and focused in preparation for summer fun. A detox is essentially about refocusing your mind, body and palate on healthy, tasty and nutritious food to:

  • lower the amount of chemicals being ingested
  • provide nutrients that enhance your body’s natural processes
  • support your organs of elimination in clearing toxins out of your body safely

Your body won’t release old toxins until you stop putting in new ones and make room for it’s natural process of cleansing and regeneration to occur. As stored toxins are broken down and released you might feel uncomfortable for a couple of days, this is a sign that your body is purging accumulated toxins which would have otherwise brought pain and disease. If your excretion channels are supported to function efficiently, you can successfully cleanse with few side effects.

When your body is toxic you often feel heavy and sluggish and this is can be due to a disruption in the natural flow of energy around your body. A course of Acupuncture and Herbs is a great way to support your system during a detox by

  • Reducing your appetite and cravings so you can make better food choices
  • Supporting the health of your liver as it works overtime during a detox
  • Improving bowel movements so you can better eliminate toxins
  • Encouraging better fluid metabolism so you can eliminate toxins through your kidney and bladder
  • Improving blood circulation to help eliminate toxins more quickly

Dry skin brushing can also enhance the detox process, not only by allowing the release of toxins through your skin, but by moving your lymphatic system which drains and transports many waste products.

With the combination of acupuncture and change in diet your body will work more efficiently, your energy levels will be higher and you’ll have a greater sense of mental clarity.

Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth that can greatly benefit your body, mind and spirit. It is a time when energy rises and expands, providing movement and growth. This expansive energy helps to move things to the surface and expel some of the body’s burden of toxins, and this energy of upward growth means emotions and issues that have been stored away also have an opportunity to be released. One of the reasons you get a bit grumpy during a detox is that the Liver and Gall bladder govern the emotions of anger, frustration, and irritability.

Since spring is characterized by the strong energy of growth and change, you can align yourself with this energy by exercising, spending time in nature, and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation. Since the Liver rules the free flow of qi and your lungs are also powerful movers of toxic matter these are excellent ways to allow the new energy of spring to flow unobstructed.

For more information about the best foods to support your detox as well as simple daily practices to help you look younger and feel fantastic come along to my Detox to Great Health Workshop.

New Year, New You

Please see my new blog site for more exciting posts

New Year’s Eve is often a time for reflecting on our past, deciding where we want to head in the coming year and then making resolutions in order to achieve these goals.  Without a direction we often wander aimlessly through the year and then wonder why we haven’t accomplished anything as the year draws to a close.

The top resolutions that people often adopt, and then quickly abandon, include Lose weight; Get Fit; Cut back on alcohol; Quit smoking; Get more sleep; Enjoy life more; Spend time with family and friends; Learn something new; Volunteer; Travel and Get organized. Apparently less than half of those who make resolutions are still on target by mid year so here are some tips to help you stay on track this year including how acupuncture and my workshops (Detox to great health; Think well, feel well; Eat well, be well; and Flow well, stress less) can help you achieve many of these goals and more.

You make resolutions for a reason; if you didn’t think you would benefit from them then you wouldn’t be resolving to attempt them. All of these resolutions are interrelated, as is all of life. If you start with one you may just find that you’ll be accomplishing them all. Book into my workshops today and you can not only show your commitment to your resolutions but you can also tick off your resolution to Learn something new.

Having spent most of December and January indulging in festivities detoxing is a great way to begin cleaning out the old and making room for the new. My first workshop of the year, Detox to great health (Feb 22, 2014), is all about cleansing your mind, body and spirit. It is about healthy eating, healthy thinking and healthy action and it is a great first step to addressing a number of your top resolutions.

Let us have a closer look at your resolution to Lose weight.  First of all the word “Diet” is based on the Latin word ‘Diaeta’ meaning “a manner of living; a way of life” so if you really want to lose weight then it might be a good idea to review all aspects of your lifestyle in addition to what you are eating because there really is no such thing as a quick fix that won’t quickly undo. Working sustainably and setting reasonable goals is the best way to attain and maintain your optimal weight. Acupuncture can help you lose weight by improving your digestion and your metabolism and my Eat Well, Be Well workshop (April 26, 2014) will help untangle a lot of the confusion around healthy eating as well as revealing other lifestyle changes, like getting more sleep, that will help you get to your optimal weight more easily. A lack of sleep has been linked to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.  Sleep really is more beneficial to your health than you might realize. If you have trouble with sleep then acupuncture can be of great benefit as it has a long tradition of treating insomnia successfully.

Losing weight will require that you cut back on alcohol, it is packed with calories and when mixed with other drinks, such as soft drinks, the calories can really add up. There may be some health benefits to drinking small amounts of alcohol but the definition of small can vary widely.  Drinking in excess affects the brain’s neurotransmitters and can increase the risk of depression, memory loss, or even seizures. Chronic heavy drinking boosts your risk of liver and heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and mental deterioration, and even cancers of the mouth, throat, liver, and breast. So taper off on the drinking once the festive season draws to a close and then follow with a course of acupuncture to help your liver recuperate.

Losing weight will also require that you add exercise into your lifestyle which will help you get fit.  Regular exercise has been associated with so many health benefits, in addition to helping achieve and maintain weight loss it increases longevity, enhances mood, lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. In short, exercise keeps you healthy and makes you look and feel better.

While you are losing weight, getting fit and cutting back on alcohol you might just find that your resolution to quit smoking starts to kick into action.  Many people are social smokers so if you are drinking less you will you able to smoke less. As you start to get fit you will notice the impact that smoking is having on your lungs which will further motivate you to quit. On average, smokers try about four times before they quit for good. You can use acupuncture to help reduce cravings and alleviate withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and difficulty concentrating. There are enormous health benefits to quitting and you will save money so start enjoying the rest of your smoke-free life today!

So far we have covered 5 resolutions, all working together, that you can now integrated into your lifestyle – Lose weight, Get fit, Cut back on alcohol, Quit smoking and Get more sleep.

While you are Getting more sleep to lose weight (having learned in Flow well, stress less (May 24, 2014) to go to bed around 10.30pm and wake 8 hours later at 6.30am for optimal rest and recuperation) you will find that your energy levels are improving so it will be easier to Enjoy life more and that will give you less reason to Smoke and Drink which will then help you Get fit and Lose weight. See how it is all fitting together?

Chronic stress can increase your risk of, or even worsen, insomnia, depression, obesity, heart disease, and more.  Given our hectic, stressful lifestyles of long working hours, little sleep, no exercise, poor diet, and not spending enough time with family and friends is it any wonder that “enjoying life more” has become a popular resolution. It’s an important step to a happier and healthier you! Regular acupuncture treatments are a great way to bring balance back to your body, mind and soul.  Think Well, Feel Well (March 29, 2014) is a great way to discover how your thoughts, feelings and beliefs impact your health and well being at a physical level and how to heal your body by making friends with your emotions. After all, attitude really does matter.

Enjoying life will probably see you spending more time with family and friends, going for walks, playing tennis, swimming at the beach and getting fit. Research suggests people with strong social ties live longer than those who don’t.  In fact, a lack of social bonds can damage your health as much as alcohol abuse and smoking, and even more than obesity and lack of exercise, a 2010 study in the journal PLoS Medicine suggests.  With all that extra energy you may even consider Volunteering to help out those less fortunate. We tend to think our own bliss relies on bettering ourselves, but our happiness also increases when we help others.

Sometimes it is hard to break a habit while you are in the routine of the rat race so Travelling, even if just heading to the mountains or along the coast for the weekend (chose a destination in nature rather than a big city), will help you tap into life as an adventure, and that is a great time to make changes in your life without having to do anything too bold or dramatic.

Getting organized is about reducing the clutter in your life, both internally and externally, so you can find peace.  Book into all 4 workshops (get 10% off) and buy yourself a course of 10 acupuncture treatments (buy 9 and get 1 free) and you will be organized for a year of following through on your resolutions, relaxing, re energizing, relieving pain and living a fabulous year.

Happy New Year everyone!

Spring Clean Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Please see my new blog site for more exciting posts

Imagine living in a pollution-free environment, drinking only pure, mineralized, alkaline water and eating naturally untainted nourishing foods. Imagine living in homes free of chemicals, breathing clean air, wearing natural fibre clothes washed in clean water with pure soaps.

Unfortunately very few of us live this way and so the toxicity of modern life – all the pollution and chemicals in the air, skin and hair care products we use, the water and food we consume – disrupts our systems. Our bodies try to protect us from dangerous substances by setting them aside, surrounding them with mucous and fat so that they will not cause an imbalance or trigger an immune response however toxic build-up accumulates in our systems as too many toxins are generally unavoidable. This then leads to many common ailments and chronic diseases.

Detoxification means eliminating poisons or toxins from your body and this is vital to maintaining good health, maximizing your body’s energy levels, preventing chronic illness and promoting healing. Our bodies naturally detoxify daily as part of a normal process if we give them the space to do so. We can eliminate and neutralize toxins through the colon, lungs, skin, liver, kidneys and lymph.

Spring time in Chinese medicine corresponds with the wood element and with the Liver and Gallbladder so as these are two important organs for detoxing it is the ideal time for a spring clean. Just like you trim back the garden to allow space for new growth so too is it beneficial to trim back the weeds of toxicity to allow your body space to thrive. To support your body in a detox process and reduce damage to your immune system and metabolism it is important to keep your digestive elimination regular, keep your circulation strong, and keep stress to a minimum. Even if your diet is good, an annual spring cleanse can revitalize your internal ecosystem.

Ideally a “Spring Clean Detox” is done over a 4 week period, 10 days minimum or 10-12 weeks (the whole of Spring) if you can manage it. If you are doing a 4 week detox then repeat this process every 6-12 months if you can.

Step 1: Avoid things that add toxins or acidity to your body like alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, processed food and red meat so that your body can start to eliminate toxins which have accumulated over the years. As your body begins eliminating you may experience symptoms such as headaches, nausea, irritability, rashes or tiredness. Keep going as this will pass, days 2-3 are often the worst.

Step 2: Do things that help your body clear toxins. Eat nourishing foods like fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, white meat and fish and drink plenty of spring water. Alkalize with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in your water. Keep your bowels moving well with probiotics. New research is proving that intestinal health directly affects serotonin production, meaning that depression can actually start in the gut.

Up to 70% of your body’s waste products are eliminated via your lungs. One of the most powerful exercises you can do to activate your lymphatic system (your own personal garbage disposal system) as well as settle, balance, and detoxify your body and mind is deep, rhythmic, belly breathing. In Chinese medicine your lungs rule over your skin which is your largest organ of elimination. Dry skin brushing removes toxins in the dead skin cells as well as enhancing circulation and regular exercise will accelerate the removal of toxins through your sweat. Exercise is also important for your lymphatic system which depends solely on muscular movement for it to flow.

Finally spring clean a negative attitude with an attitude of gratitude; write a daily gratitude journal listing 3-5 things that you are grateful for every day.

For more information I run regular Detox to Great Health workshops in Sydney.