Keep Calm and Stay Well

It’s hard to open any email or Facebook post these days and not see something about COVID-19. Everyone is in a state of panic and finding it hard to think rationally. Yes, this is a condition that must be taken seriously, however, it is also important to remember that fear and panic are stress responses and stress will reduce your immunity.

I recently shared a post on Facebook by Bruce Lipton, PhD (a stem cell biologist and author of The Biology of Belief). Amongst other things he stated that “the fear of the coronavirus is more deadly than the virus itself!” In sharing this post I was accused of spreading incorrect and irresponsible information and of not realising just how dangerous this virus is.

This is a dangerous virus, especially for the elderly and for those with lowered immunity. It is also a new virus for which we have not yet built an immunity and it is highly contagious. We do need to be vigilant with the precautions being suggested by the Australian Government Department of Health and by the WHO.  We need to look after ourselves, and we also need to look after our family and friends, and the community at large by doing the following: … read more

What everyone should know about the wonders of Kudzu root

I love Kudzu! Kudzu root, also known as Japanese arrowroot, Ge Gen or Pueraria radix is a herb I always have in my kitchen cupboard as well as in my dispensary cupboard.

Not only is it very starchy so it can be used as a thickener in cooking but it has wonderful medicinal qualities too. Simply mix a tablespoon of powder in a little cold water to dissolve then add this paste to 1 cup of liquid and voila, you have a medicinal custard (recipe below as promised in my Christmas cake post) or thick medicinal sauce for your vegetables. It is a great substitute for cornstarch or arrowroot.

From a Chinese medical perspective, it is listed under the category of herbs that are cool and acrid and release the exterior which means it’s great when you have a cold – the sort that results in a fever, headache, and stiff or tight upper back and neck. Since it’s antispasmodic effect releases the muscles it has recently also been used to treat the headaches and dizziness than can accompany hypertension.

The primary organs it targets is the digestive system so it is great when you struggle with a dry mouth or thirst due to too much heat in your stomach. It is also very helpful for alleviating hot, smelly diarrhoea.

Kudzu root powder can be purchased at many health food stores or ordered online through companies such as Spiral foods.

Here are a few recipes you can enjoy …

Flu Season Soup

Spring may have sprung but I’m still treating plenty of colds and flu in clinic and recently spent a week in bed myself with a flu. I recuperated quickly though as I received some acupuncture treatments and was fortunate to have my partner and my sister cook me up some wonderfully nourishing soups.

Soups are easy to digest and if they contain a whole grain for energy, lots of lovely vegetables for vitamins and some legumes for protein then you have a complete meal that will give you the energy you need to get well quickly.

This is a great soup for enhancing your immune system and strengthening your body. It has been adapted from a wonderful cook book called Ancient Wisdom, Modern Kitchen.

Recipe …